Been putting the bit in Warriors mouth, so that he gets used to it for when we go showing. He is such a lovely little gentleman, stands still while you slip his bridle on and doesn't show off at all. He's a bit weary of our sit on mower, he's fine when its moving takes no notice at all, but doesn't like walking passed it in the yard. So I've been walking him passed on his bridle or head collar.
Warrior is the full brother to our filly foal Aphrodite. They share the same lovely temperament. Don't you just love his handsome little face, I can't resist giving him a kiss on the nose at every opportunity.
I've been writing up the adverts to sell the foals. Apollo is definitely staying, that boy is something else and I want to run him on, think he will make a fantastic show pony and hopefully a potential Stallion later on. Still debating about Aphrodite, she is so tiny and has really stolen my heart. If I do sell her I only want her to go to a really special home. Also been debating about Neo and Yum Yum. As you know Neo passed his Stallion Assessment and is now fully licensed, but I am hoping to bred coloured ponies and he is black. But then Neo & Magic where the first two ponies that I got. Trouble with me I love them all and its taking me ages to make up my mind what to do.