Went to Lampeter yesterday, took Min & Warrior. Meet our friends Karen & Lisa there. Lisa was showing her Section A, and had already won the young handler. Well done Lisa. Lisa asked if she could show one of mine, so I let her show Min. Now Lisa has been showing Ponies since she was knee high to a Grass Hopper, but we knew the Judge wouldn't place her as he knows Lisa. (Bless her heart she's only 14). But really wanted to see, what would happen. So off Lisa went in her splendid WELSH tartan, she didn't put a foot out of place and Min was her usual laid back self and he put her down the line. We watched the Judge from outside the ring and he pulled everyone out, had a good look at every one's pony, did the walk up trot back, then lined them up and walked up the back of the line, but didn't even bother to look at Min or Lisa. Needless to say I thought it was very bad manners. Poor Lisa was most upset, when she come out of the ring and said to me, if you'd shown her you'd have been placed. Told her I wasn't bothered at all. I just wanted to see Min move. After all she's already won 1st place and Reserve Champion.
I then went in the Ring with Warrior, thinking there is no way I'm going to be placed. So you can imagine my complete surprise when Warrior Won the class... If you look at the picture of Warrior on his own, it really looks like he's smiling....