Still not 100% sure, which of our Mares are in Foal for next year. Harry went round with the Stethoscope, to have a listen for a Foal Heart beat.
Hoping that our dear Cravat has left us with a legacy, be wonderful if he has. Especially if one, turns out to be Silver Dun like him. His girls were Minuet, Bebe, Tinkerbell and Katie. If he did manage to do the deed, his offspring will be due from the 3rd May 2009.
It was the first time this year that Kai, was used on Mares, so don't know how many he managed to get in Foal. He was running with Lemony, Evie, Chrizzy, Lil, Muffy, Jasmine & Cameo. It will be a complete surprise for everyone to see what colours he throws. His offspring are due from the 11th May 2009.